Why Use Construction Door Hangers?

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General maintenance and construction on public utility lines happens every day to ensure customers receive their water, gas, electricity, and communication services without interruption. Below are a few reasons why door hanger communication is important when performing this work.

1. Promote Acceptance

Most customers don’t give much thought to  either routine or large-scale work needed to deliver their utilities until the work is happening where they live. Nobody wants their yard torn up or to be inconvenienced by construction equipment that could block driveways and cause traffic delays. Door hangers give you the opportunity to explain what is being done and why, especially in situations where the project schedule or sequence has changed unexpectedly, and you need to get word to your community quickly.  This door step information can eliminate surprises and help alleviate some of the community’s frustrations.

2. Ease Your Customers’ Minds

Even though easements allow utility companies to access property without permission, property owners and tenants can be wary of work being done without their knowledge. Door hangers help provide customers peace of mind in knowing who exactly is on their property and for what reason.

3. Answer Questions before They Arise

People will have questions when work is being done around their homes. Anticipating these questions and providing answers in the door hangers along with contact information can save your staff and company time and money.

4. Promote Positive Company and Project Image

Start off on the right foot with the community by steering  the message from the very beginning. Door hangers, along with other communication tactics, allow you and your company to control what the community hears first about the project. First impressions are everything, and promoting a positive image of your company and the project serves as a better way to make a great first impression than hearsay and speculation drummed up by an uninformed community.

Remember, always hang door hanger notices on door knobs.  It is against the law to place un-stamped  items in a mailbox or hang them from any part of a mailbox.